96712-28002, 96712-28003, 90537-20871, 90537-20826, 98177-13120

Computer Lab



Investing in Your Future:

Shivalik Gurukul's computer lab is a cornerstone of our commitment to providing students with a well-rounded, technology-driven education. This space empowers them to become confident digital citizens, fostering their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills for success in the ever-evolving digital world.

This technologically advanced space provides students with the tools and resources they need to thrive in today's digital world.

Unleash Your Potential:

  • Modern Equipment: We boast a well-equipped computer  labs with up-to-date computers.
  • Geared for Learning: The computer lab curriculum integrates seamlessly with classroom learning, providing students with opportunities to practice concepts, conduct research, and collaborate on projects.

Developing 21st-Century Skills:

  • Digital Literacy: Our curriculum emphasizes digital literacy skills, enabling students to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.
  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Students learn to analyze information, solve problems creatively, and think critically through engaging software applications in the labs.
  • Collaboration & Communication: The lab fosters collaboration and communication as students work together on projects and presentations assigned to them by the teachers.